Miriam Sánchez Manzanares new Associate Professor in Management at UC3M

February 22, 2016
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Miriam Sánchez Manzanares new Associate Professor in Management at UC3M

Miriam has got a Civil Servant position as a Associate Professor in Management at UC3M. Miriam has presented her outstanding CV in a brilliant way. In research, she has 11 publications in JCR journals (7 of them in the first quartile); her teaching is also very remarkable (systematic students' evaluations above 4.00); and she has also contributed to in a significant way to administrative task given that she is Deputy Dean at Colmenarejo Campus and Deputy Dean of ADE & International studies. Miriam also presented an interesting paper (currently under revision at Academy of Management Review) on the interlinkage between leadership, implicit/explicit coordination and performance.


Andrea Bafundi, new faculty member in Accounting.

Andrea Bafundi, new faculty member in Accounting.

Prof. García-Lara, new chairman at UC3M Business

Prof. García-Lara, new chairman at UC3M Business

Outstanding results of the Spanish Innovation Index (ÍEI) and Innovation Awards

Outstanding results of the Spanish Innovation Index (ÍEI) and Innovation Awards



Honorary Professor of Management
