Information acquisition in financial markets
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Companies with more financial analysts produce more and better-quality patents
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Choosing an intellectual property protection strategy: patents’ unexpected benefits
Firms’ ability to innovate and protect the fruits of their R&D investments is of ever increasing importance in a world of fast paced competition and imitation. With regard to protection, R&D managers are normally faced with the choice between keeping innovations secret and filing for patents. Compared to secrecy, patents have the distinct advantage of granting their holders a temporary monopoly on the use of an innovation (which normally last 20 years). However their use also presents serious drawbacks. Patents are costly, they imply the disclosure of the innovation, the timespan of protection is limited, and depending on the technology it might be easy to innovate around them. In practice these limitations entail that firms often choose to file for patents only when they have serious concerns about their ability to keep an innovation secret.
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Por Ruben Nova
Mucho se está hablando en los últimos meses sobre Fintech,
Insurtech, criptomonedas, Machine Learning, Inteligencia Artificial y
¿Pero qué se sabe de Blockchain hasta el momento?
Como parte de mi investigación, he tenido la oportunidad de asistir a numerosos congresos que han tratado este tema desde diferentes perspectivas: punto de vista general, tecnológico, legal, empresarial… En todos ellos he coincidido con diferentes ponentes y asistentes, quienes estamos aún en una...
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The Impact of Patient Safety Culture on Health Care Quality
Aida Ortega, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Miriam Sánchez-Manzanares, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Mirko Antino, ISCTE Lisboa
Purpose: Patient safety is a central concern and goal in health-care organizations. Past research has highlighted the importance of patient safety-based culture (PSC) for improving hospitals’ effectiveness, particularly the health-care service quality. In this study, we move a step further hypothesizing positive effects of PSC on both health-care quality as rated by patients and employees’ quality of working life.
Implications: Our results support the general expectation that PSC is key to improve the quality of the health-care service delivered to patients. Additionally, hospitals’ managers should promote a PSC as a way to improve employees’ quality of life as well.
Results: Evidence from multilevel analysis...
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Leadership: most common mistakes inside companies
is a core ingredient for your projects success. However, is not a mistake free
experience. The first thing to know is that most leaders are not born leaders,
but learned. This means that throught practical experience you can Strengthen your
assertive communication, negotiation and empathy abilities.
What are
the most common mistakes in leadership?
1. Paternalism. That is, to prevent employees from growing and evolving. To solve this problem, it is fundamental to promote continuous training in workers through courses.
2. Lack of communication with the team. Many leaders...
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¿Serán los británicos los que salven a Europa?
Hace nueve meses, los británicos votaron salir de la Unión Europea. Pese al rechazo actual de los británicos por parte de la mayoría del resto de los europeos, puede que sea precisamente en el Reino Unido multicultural dónde se esté fraguando la identidad de la futura Europa.
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