The MWOW takes place annually and it is co-organized in turns by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, IESE and IESE Business School. This year the workshop will take place at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Puerta de Toledo campus), starting midday on May 9th and ending early afternoon on the 10th (see program below).
Building on the last two years' successful format, we will combine presentations from keynote invited speakers from abroad and a selection of short presentations of papers submitted mainly by local researchers. We are delighted to count on Ben Campbell (Ohio State University) and Isabel Fernández-Mateo (London Business School) as keynote speakers this year.
For those of you who have not joined in previous editions, the Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop brings together scholars doing research in Strategic Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Organizational Behavior, Personnel Economics and related fields. The workshop is an informal forum to discuss research in progress and foster collaboration among scholars. It is an excellent forum to receive feedback for ongoing projects, as the publications that have followed presentation attest to. Attendance to the workshop is open to everyone, but we kindly ask to confirm participation by sending an email to by April 30th.
We look forward to meeting you at the 2019 MWOW!
The Madrid Work & Organizations Group:
Rocío Bonet (IE Business School)
Marta Elvira (IESE)
Eduardo Melero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Event Program
Thursday, May 9, 2019 (Salón de Grados campus Puerta de Toledo)
14:00-14:45 Registration and
Welcome Buffett
14:45-15:00 Opening
15:00-16:00 Keynote
Presentation I
Incentives as a New Path for Human Capital-Based Competitive Advantage,” by Benjamin Campbell (Ohio State
16:00 -16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Paper Session 1:
Subcontracted Labor Mix in
Project Teams: The Benefits and Costs on Financial Performance, by Antoaneta Momcheva (IE), Emmanouil Avgerinos (IE) & Fabrizio
Salvador (IE)
Plural Sourcing and the
Returns to Intra-Firm Coordination, by George Chondrakis (ESADE), Eduardo Melero (UC3M) & Mari Sako
(University of Oxford)
Profit-Sharing and Interconnected Autonomous Teams, by Marco Barrenechea Méndez
(U. Pública de Navarra) & Sara Martínez de Morentin (U. Pública de Navarra)
Friday, May 10,
9:30-11:00 (Room 0. A. 03 campus Puerta de Toledo) Paper Session 2:
When Does Autonomous Learning
Benefit Employers? The Impact of Core Job Skills, Certification and Employer
Support on Training Transfer and Job Search, by Monika Hamori (IE)
Cross-Industry Mobility and
Executive Compensation: Penalization for Category Spanning in Executive Job
Market, by Halil Sabanci (IESE) &
Marta Elvira (IESE)
The Influence of Specialist
and Generalist Trajectories on Career Attainment within the Organization, by Roxana Barbalescu (HEC Paris) & Olga Ivanova (HEC Paris)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 (Room 0. A. 03 campus Puerta de Toledo) Paper Session 3: EXECUTIVE BEHAVIOR AND
Entrepreneurial Experience and
Executive Pay, by Adrián Mérida
(Copenhagen Business School)
Is Consumer King? CEO
Loss-Aversion-Driven Opportunism in Product Recall Announcements, by Sumeet Malk (IE)
Underfunding pensions in
family firms. A stakeholders’ perspective, by Jessenia Dávila (UC3M), Geoff Martin (Melbourne Business School) &
Luis Gómez-Mejía (Arizona State University).
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 (Salón de Grados campus Puerta de Toledo) Keynote Presentation II:
pools or expanding tools? Rejection response dynamics and the gender
segregation of talent pipelines,” by Isabel Fernandez-Mateos (London
Business School)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 (Salón de Grados campus Puerta de Toledo) Paper Session 4:
How Do Managers Pass Down
Inequality? The Effect of Pay Inequality Among Managers on Inequality Among
Workers, by Federica De Stefano (U. of Pennsylvania)
Occupational Polarization in
Europe: Exploring Gender Differences, by Paula Apascaritei (IESE) & Marta Elvira
Female Inventors and
Inventions, by Rembrand Koning (Harvard
Business School), Sampsa Samila (IESE) & John-Paul Ferguson (McGill
17:00 Farewell
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