The INDEM meetings are an initiative that aims tobe a meeting point for a variety of audiences related to the academic andbusiness sectors. The purpose is to address issues of interest and currenttopics from different perspectives, enriching all attendees. TheINDEM will be the link that connects these different points of view andheterogeneous interests with the business world.
We hope it will be of your interest!
1st INDEM Meeting
Storytelling as a competitive advantage
Date: 18th November 2020
Time: 17h
Format: webinar at
Thisfirst INDEM meeting is about Storytelling, which is the art ofstorytelling. The corporate story design has become a crucial tool for branding,distinguishing value positions, attracting customers and aligning the employeesinterests with the objectives of the organization.
Threeexperts will give us their different points of view on how to build adifferentiating and attractive story about products, brands and businesses. Wewill have an outstanding panel: Jordi Ballera, corporate communicationconsultant, Carlos García, Marketing Director of PepsiCo Italia and DavidMoralejo, Director of Condé Nast Traveler magazine.
JordiBallera will talk about the strategic aspects of storytelling; David Moralejowill tell us aboutTraveler magazine uses this tool to provide the brand with anarrative that connects and transmits values; and finally, Carlos García willexplain how storytelling has been a key element in the relaunch of the BitterKas brand.
Corporate communications consultant specialisedin research and strategic planning. Over the last 20 years, he has developedhis career in communication agencies, where he has been Executive VicePresident of Edelman in Spain and General Manager of Zeno in Spain. Jordi has adegree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Autónoma deBarcelona, a Master's in Business Communication from ESIC, a Certified ProjectManager from Stanford University and a Professional Certificate in Innovationand Entrepreneurship from Stanford University.
Currently, he is the Marketing Director Italy atPepsiCo, managing the soft drink, snack, juice and cereal categories. He hasworked for the last 10 years in marketing departments of benchmark companieswithin the mass consumption sector such as Henkel, Ferrrero, Redkitt Benckiseror PepsiCo. During his career he has had the opportunity to hold both local andEuropean team leadership positions, generating growth for the brands he hasmanaged, as well as working on plans to launch new categories and products.
Graduated in Communication from the UniversidadPontífica de Salamanca and director of the Spanish edition of Condé NastTraveler since 2017. Previously he worked in diverse newspapers and magazines,always in subjects related to culture, travel and lifestyle. He has published anovel and participated in a book of short stories and poetry with thepublishing house Huerga & Fierro. In the field of teaching, he has taughtCreative Writing at the Yo Quiero Escribir literary school and given courses atIED and Instituto Superior de Arte.