Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop 2024 Edition

The Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop, which started in 2011, brings together scholars doing research in strategic human capital, industrial relations, organizational behavior, personnel economics, and related fields. It is an informal forum t...

Workshop Viviendo la Experiencia de Emprender. Emprendimiento y Empresa Familiar III. 6ª Edición

Esta nueva edición del Workshop combinará aspectos cruciales tanto dentro del ámbito del emprendimiento como de la empresa familiar, ofreciendo un enfoque integrador. Todo ello de la mano de ponentes con gran bagaje y experiencia, lo que permitirá se...

REGIS Summer School on Science, Technology and Innovation

After the success of the first edition, we are delighted to announce the second REGIS Summer School, a 4-day in-person event at the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. The summer school will include formal lectures, hands-on workshops, brainstormi...

Nagymaros Conference

The Nagymaros Conference is an invitation-only conference on economic sociology with a special focus on organizational sociology. Since its inception over two decades ago, it has been hosted every year by a different institution. The 27th editio...

EURO HOpe Mini-Conference 2024

The EURO Working Group on Humanitarian Operations and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Department of Business Administration are pleased to announce the 8th EURO HOpe Mini-Conference, which will be in-person and will take place in Madrid, Spain....

THOUGHT LEADER CONFERENCE: Innovation for a Digital and Aging Society

Our world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, as are the challenges we face. One of these lies at the intersection of technology and the changing demographics of an aging society. This presents a unique opportunity to harness the power of innovatio...

XVIII International Research Symposium for Accounting Academics

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on dev...



Esta nueva edición del Workshop combinará aspectos cruciales tanto dentro del ámbito del emprendimiento como de la empresa familiar, ofreciendo un enfoque integrador.Todo ello de la mano de ponentes con gran bagaje y experiencia, lo que permitirá seg...

XII Lecture Series Fundación Ramón Areces on "International Accounting Regulation & Corporate Governance"

The Lecture series on International Accounting Regulation & Corporate Governance, organized jointly with the “UAM-Auditores Madrid” Chair in Corporate Financial Reporting, aims to bring together professionals, academics, students and general publ...

XVII International Accounting Research Symposium

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on dev...


Recent advances in asset pricing and asset management

The event is a meeting of experts at the highest level in finance on portfolio management and asset valuation.The objective is to get a close view of the most cutting-edge innovations in the following fields:Asset management, with the assistance of A...

Driving creative organizations: the role of people management

Creativity is a fundamental asset that allows organizations to adapt to the market and their environment by designing new products, services or processes. Like all organizational assets, creative activities must be managed to maximize, optimize and...


XVI International Accounting Research Symposium

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on dev...

How to create an entrepreneurial culture

The INDEM meetings are an initiative that aims to be a meeting point for a variety of audiences related to the academic and business sectors. The purpose is to address issues and current topics from different perspectives, enriching all attendees. Th...

Innovation in the music industry

3rd INDEM Meeting Date: 8th June 2021 Format: webinar Register The music industry has seen huge changes throughout its history, a fact that has accelerated in recent years. Creatively, in terms of distribution and consumption, the music sector...

Entrepreneurship & Family Business

4th Workshop: Entrepreneurship & Family BusinessThe 4th Workshop: Entrepreneurship & Family Business will be held virtually on 4th-5th October 2021 with the participation of some outstanding researchers and practitioners, both from Spain and...


Storytelling as a competitive advantage

The INDEM meetings are an initiative that aims tobe a meeting point for a variety of audiences related to the academic andbusiness sectors. The purpose is to address issues of interest and currenttopics from different perspectives, enriching all...


XV International Accounting Research Symposium

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on dev...

2019 Madrid Work and Organizations Workshop

The MWOW takes place annually and it is co-organized in turns by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, IESE and IESE Business School. This year the workshop will take place at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Puerta de Toledo campus), starting midday on...

Workshop on Innovation, Competitiveness and Accounting Information

The workshop will be held on Monday, June 3rd at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid  (room 17.2.75). The event is organized by the INDEM and Conde de Campomanes Institutes and financed by the Community of Madrid (project #S2015/HUM-3417, INNCOMCON...

5 th Mediterranean CB Symposium

The symposium on Consumer Behavior will be held on Monday, December 2nd at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (room PT-0.A.09) at the Puerta de Toledo campus. The event is organized by marketing faculty at UC3M and financed by INDEM as well as the Scho...


XIV International Accounting Research Symposium

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on dev...


XIII International Accounting Symposium

 La Fundación Ramón Areces organiza junto a la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial (INDEM) de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid el XIII International Accounting SymposiumEl simposio está dirigido...

Viviendo la experiencia de emprender: Una perspectiva económica, educativa y social del fenómeno emprendedor

El workshop va dirigido a aquellos estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales, y al público en general, interesados en el papel del fenómeno emprendedor dentro del ámbito de la economía, la educación y la sociedad en general.Pretende ofrecer...


Talks about tools to incentive innovation

 El objetivo de este Workshop es debatir acerca de la conveniencia de utilizar diferentes instrumentos públicos y privados para estumular la actividad innovadora de un país. Para ello utilizaremos el siguente esquema, la presentac...

Marketing Dynamics and Communication

Department of Business Administration of Carlos III University of Madrid  and Centre for Business Development (INDEM) will held the workshop "Maketing Dynamics and Communication". This workshop is dedicated to discussing the...

La transformación digital y sus retos sociales: retos de la empresa y agenda para el futuro

Este workshop internacional analiza la influencia de las tecnologías digitales en la gestión empresarial de los problemas globales de sostenibilidad.Invitamos a los académicos y profesionales para explorar la intersección entre las tecnologías...

XII International Accounting Research Symposium

La Fundación Ramón Areces organiza junto a la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial (INDEM) de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid el XII International Accounting Research Symposium El simposio está dirigi...


Fifth Madrid Work & Organizations Symposium

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to the Fifth Madrid Work & Organizations Symposium, which will be hosted by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.The speakers will be Roberto Fernandez (MIT), Guid...

V Madrid Marketing Workshop

As in previous editions, the event will consist of a morning in which leading researchers are invited to present their work. In this fifth edition will feature the participation of the following speakers:Lisette De Vries (University of...

Automobile brands in social networks: study and ranking

 From research institutes Carlos III University of Madrid: The Institute of Technological Development and Innovation Promotion "Pedro Juan de Lastanosa" and the Institute for Management Development (INDEM), we present our studies...


Retos para una empresa saludable

El INDEM es un grupo interdisciplinar de investigadores que tiene como misión la DIFUSIÓN de su labor investigadora y docente y la COLABORACIÓN con instituciones, empresas y organizaciones, desde el rigor y la calidad académica propia de un cen...

Smart Cities and the Social Responsible Firm-New Research Opportunities

The growth of urbanization has been dramatic in the last decade. Indeed, it is expected that 70 percent of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. This rate has increased the pressure for adjusting the actual infrastructure...

4º Edición Madrid Marketing Workshops

El Instituto INDEM con la colaboración de Decanato de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, organiza el IV Madrid Marketing Workshop que se celebrará en el Auditorio de Puerta de Toledo en Madrid el día 29 de mayo de 11.00h a 13.00hJaqueline Pel...

Fourth Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop

The Madrid Work & Organizations Workshop is an annual event organized by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, IE Business School and IESE to promote interaction among researchers affiliated with the three institutions, and open to o...



El Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial (INDEM), el Vicerrectorado de Investigación y transferencia de tecnología de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos Francisco de Vitoria y el&nbsp...

Smart Cities. Distribución urbana inteligente

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial (INDEM), el Decanato de la facultad de CC.SS. y JJ. de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, el Centro Español de Logística y UNO, organizan la Jornada Smart Cities: Distribución Urbana Inteligente, que ten...

III Jornadas sobre la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa e Iniciativa Empresarial

¡¡¡¡¡AVISO!!!!! AMPLIADO EL PLAZO PARA EL ENVÍO DE TRABAJOS HASTA EL 21 DE OCTUBRE DE 2013.El Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial y el Departamento de Economía de la Empresa de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en cola...

1er. Congreso Logística Hospitalaria

El día 18 de abril de 2013, se celebra el la universidad Carlos III de Madrid el Primer Congreso de Logística Hospitalaria. El Instituto sobre Desarrollo Empresarial (INDEM) colabora en este congreso junto con Microsoft, Avanade y Uno.El congre...

XIV Iberian-Italian Congress of Financial and Actuarial Math

El Instituto sobre Desarrollo Empresarial Carmen Vidal Ballester de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, participa en el XIV Iberian-Italian Congress of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (Ibit 2013) que tendrá lugar en Madrid del 24 al 26 de...

III Madrid Marketing Analytics Workshop

El Instituto sobre Desarrollo Empresarial Carmen Vidal Ballester de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, le invita a conocer las investigaciónes más avanzada en el área de marketing. Ponentes de reconocido prestigio internacional se da...


Second Madrid Work and Organizations Symposium

The Madrid Work & Organizations Symposium is an annual event co-organized by IE Business School, IESE Business School, and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The aim of the Symposia is to invite top academic speakers who work in the area o...

I Jornadas de emprendedores

28 de marzo de 2012. Aula 5.1.6 de 10.00h a 12.30h. "UC3M Emprende: Creando empresas desde las aulas" Charla con los alumnos ADE emprendedores. Mesa redonda sobre emprendedores del siglo XXI, contando con la experiencia de alumnos emprendedores...

MM Analytics Workshop (MMA)

El Instituto INDEM de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en colaboración con el ESCP Europe, le invitan a conocer las investigaciónes más avanzadas en el área de marketing. Ponentes de reconocido prestigio internacional, se dan cita para expo...


MM Workshop II (Madrid Marketing Workshop)

The workshop will be held on May 13th, 2011 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas, Cantoblanco Campus. The workshop will be entitled "New Challenges in Marketing Research".We are pleased to announce...

XVI Workshop on Accounting and Management Control "Memorial Raymond Konopka"

The Business Administration Department with the colaboration of INDEM Institute at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are organising the Memorial Raymond Konopka workshop. This workshop has become an event of reference to discuss high quality res...

Madrid Work and Organizations Workshop

This workshop aims to bring together scholars doing research about work and organizations. This includes fields such as human resource management, industrial relations, organizational behavior and personnel economics. The workshop intends to be...


Commodities workshop

The Commodities Workshop will be hosted and organized by the Business Administration Department and INDEM Institute at Carlos III University on Friday October, 15th 2010 from 9.30 to 18.00pm in room 15.1.01Prominent Researchers in the area will...

I Madrid Marketing Workshop

The first Madrid Marketing Workshop is a joint initiative of Marketing departments of three Madrid-based academic institutions: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Empresa and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


I Conference for Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

InformaciónLas I Jornadas de Investigación sobre la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa e Iniciativa Empresarial, se celebrarán los días 3-4 de diciembre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III en el Campus de Getafe.Ampliado el plazo de presentación de traba...


Workshop "Markets for Technology and Industry Evolution"

19-20 September, 2008 at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

II ERP Conference

Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) provide a solution to the information needs of business process management. In the Second ERP Conference researchers analyzed a range of ERP issues relevant to both researchers and practitioners.