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Associate Professor of Management


Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (University of California, Berkeley, USA 2007 - 2012)

M.Eng. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) (Zaragoza Logistics Center - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006 - 2007)

M.Sc. in Economics (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Spain 2005 - 2006)

Llicenciatura in Mathematics (5-Year Degree) (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain 2000 - 2005)

Research interests

operations and supply chain management, nonprofit operations, sustainable and socially responsible operations, practice-based operations, and supply chain design

Professor Berenguer is a Ramón y Cajal Fellow and received her Ph.D. in Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. She also holds an M.Eng. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLC), an M.S. in Economics (Barcelona GSE), and an undergraduate degree in Mathematics (UPC BarcelonaTech). Before joining UC3M, she was an Assistant Professor at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. 

Professor Berenguer’s major research topics are nonprofit supply chain management, sustainable operations, and supply chain design. She teaches at the undergraduate, Master, and Executive levels in the areas of Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Sustainable and Socially Responsible Operations. She has experience collaborating with private, public and nonprofit organizations in the global healthcare, consumer goods, transportation, electronic goods, and solar energy sectors. She has published in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, M&SOM, Production and Operations Management (POM), and Journal of Operations Management. She serves as Associate Editor at Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor at POM Journal, and is on the Editorial Review Board of the Decision Sciences Journal. Among different accomplishments, she has won the Skinner Best paper award at POM journal (2018) and the SOLA Informs Bi-annual Dissertation Award (2014). 

Professor Berenguer is the Vice Dean of the Bachelor of Management and Technology at UC3M. She has served as the 2023 President of the Public Sector Operations Research (PSOR) Section at INFORMS and the Vice-President Europe at POMS (2022-2024).

  • Corbett, C. J., Narayanan, S., Aloysius, J., Berenguer, G., Bish, E. K., Bjarnadóttir, M. V., Gao, G., Glover, W. J., Johnson, M. P., Kalkanci, B., Li, J., Martonosi, S. E., Mejia, J., Mishra, A., Natarajan, K. V., Parker, C., Sodhi, M. S., Tang, W., Wowak, L. K. D., & Zobel, C. W. (2024). Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Operations Management: Critical Linkages and Research Opportunities. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.
  • Berenguer, G., Costas, N., and Sáez de Tejada Cuenca,  A. (2024) The state of supplier diversity initiatives for large corporations: the new sustainable supply chain?, Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.
  • Zhang, Y., Berenguer G., and Zhang, Z. (2024) The case of a subsidized reverse supply chain in the Chinese electronics industry, Omega, vol. 122 102937.| Related Website |
  • Berenguer, G., Haskell, L. and Li, L. (2024) Managing volunteers and paid workers in a nonprofit operation, Management Science, vol.7 (8), 5298–5316. | Related Website |
  • Park, C.H. and Berenguer, G. (2020). Supply constrained location-distribution in not-for-profit settings, Production and Operations Management, vol.29 (11) 2461-2483.| Related Website |
  • Berenguer, G., and Shen, Z.J.M. (2020). Challenges and Strategies in Managing Nonprofit Operations: an Operations Management Perspective,  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, vol. 22 (5), 888-905. | Related Website |
  • Atal, N. Berenguer, G. & Borwankar, S. (2019). Gender diversity issues in the IT industry: How can your sourcing group help?. Business Horizons, vol. 62 (5), 595-602. | Related Website |
  • Zhang, Z., Berenguer, G., and Pan, X (2019). Location, inventory and testing decisions in closed-loop supply chains: a multimedia company. IISE Transactions, vol. 51 (1), 41-56. | Related Website |
  • Berenguer, G., Feng, Q., Shanthikumar, J.G., Xu, L. (2017). The Effects of Subsidies on Increasing Consumption through For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Newsvendors. Production and Operations Management, [Skinner Best Paper Award POM Journal 2017]. vol. 26 (6), 1191-1206. | Related Website |
  • Berenguer, G., Keskinocak, P., Shanthikumar, J.G., Swaminathan, J., and Van Wassenhove, L.N.
    (2017). A Prologue to the Special Issue on Not-for-Profit Operations Management. Production
    and Operations Management
    , 26 (6) 973-975. | Related Website |
  • Berenguer, G., Iyer, A., and Yadav, P. (2016). Disentangling the efficiency drivers in country-level global health programs: an empirical study. Journal of Operations Management, vol. 45 30-43. | Related Website |
  • Zhang, Z., Berenguer, G. and Shen Z.J.M. (2015). A Capacitated Facility Location Model with Bidirectional Flows. Transportation Science, vol. 49 (1), 114-129. | Related Website |
  • Atamturk, A., Berenguer, G. and Shen Z.J.M. (2012). A Conic Integer Programming Approach to Location-Inventory Problems. Operations Research, vol. 60 (2), 366-381. | Related Website |