address / office:
C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 Getafe (Madrid) Spain / 7.0.33
phone / fax:
(34) 91 624 89 71 / (34) 91 624 96 07



Associate Professor of Marketing


PhD in Management, Cum Laude. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, September 2005. 

MSc in Management and Economics. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, 2000. 

B.A. in Business Administration. National University of Colombia, Manizales, Colombia, 1998.

Research interests

Services marketing, Consumer wellbeing, Perceived innovativeness

Selected publications

Duque, L.C. & Riera-Prunera, M.C.: "New insights on satisfaction prototypes for segmentation: Focus on customer experience", Journal of Vacation Marketing vol. 28 (4), 2022, 486-509.

Singh, S. & Duque, L.C.: "Familiarity and format: cause-related marketing promotions in international market"International Marketing Review  vol. 37 (5), 2020, 901-921.

De Vries, E. L.E. & Duque, L.C.: "Small but Sincere: How Firm Size and Gratitude Determine the Effectiveness of Cause Marketing Campaigns",  Journal of Retailing vol. 94 (4), 2018, 352-363.

Gaston-Breton, C. & Duque, L.C.: "Utilitarian and hedonic promotional appeals of 99-ending prices: The influence of decision-making style", European Journal of Marketing vol. 49 (1-2), 2015, 212-237.

Duque, L.C.: "A framework for analyzing higher education performance: Students' satisfaction, perceived learning outcomes, and dropout intentions"Total Quality Management & Business Excellence vol. 25 (1-2), 2014, 1-21.

Singh, S. & Duque, L.C.: "Moderating Role of Stress in Evaluating Negative Services: Encounters with the Police", Journal of Service Research vol. 15 (2), 2012, 231-241.  


Duque L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Índice Español de Innovación: Memoria 23. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto para el Desarrollo de Empresas y Mercados (INDEM), nº 2, 2024. 

Duque, L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Spanish Innovation Index: 23 Report. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM), nº 2, 2024. 

Duque L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Índice Español de Innovación: Memoria 22. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto para el Desarrollo de Empresas y Mercados (INDEM), nº 1, 2023. 

Duque, L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Spanish Innovation Index: 22 Report. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM), nº 1, 2023. 

Lola is Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University. She holds a BA in Business Administration (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), a MSc in Business and Economics (Pompeu Fabra University), and a PhD in Management from Universidad de Barcelona. She has been a visiting researcher at the Norwegian Business School BI, San Diego State University SDSU and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration WU.

Her main areas of research are services marketing and consumer welfare. Currently, Lola is teaching various Marketing courses in graduate and postgraduate programs, and she is one of the persons in charge of the Spanish Innovation Index.

Duque, L.C. & Lado, N.: Marketing Trade-Offs in Periods of Low and High Munificence: A Study of Tourism Enterprises in Uruguay. In: Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., Liberato, P., Monroy, H.C. (eds) Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 383, 2024, 109-121. Springer, Singapore. 

Pujol-Jover, M., Duque, L.C. & Riera-Prunera, M-C. "The recruit requirements of recent graduates: Approaching the existing mismatch"Total Quality Management & Business Excellence vol. 34 (1-2), 2023, 57-70.

Duque, L.C. & Riera-Prunera, M.C.: "New insights on satisfaction prototypes for segmentation: Focus on customer experience", Journal of Vacation Marketing vol. 28 (4), 2022, 486-509.

Singh, S. & Duque, L.C.: "Familiarity and format: cause-related marketing promotions in international market"International Marketing Review  vol. 37 (5), 2020, 901-921.

De Vries, E. L.E. & Duque, L.C.: "Small but Sincere: How Firm Size and Gratitude Determine the Effectiveness of Cause Marketing Campaigns" Journal of Retailing vol. 94 (4), 2018, 352-363.

Gaston-Breton, C. & Duque, L.C.: "Utilitarian and hedonic promotional appeals of 99-ending prices: The influence of decision-making style", European Journal of Marketing vol. 49 (1-2), 2015, 212-237.

Duque, L.C.: "A framework for analyzing higher education performance: Students' satisfaction, perceived learning outcomes, and dropout intentions"Total Quality Management & Business Excellence vol. 25 (1-2), 2014, 1-21.

Lado, N., Duque, L.C. & Alvarez Bassi, D.: "Current Marketing Practices and Market Orientation in the Context of an Emerging Economy: the Case of Uruguay"Journal of Small Business Management vol. 51 (4), 2013, 602-616.

Cesaroni, F. & Duque, L.C.: "Open Innovation and Service Dominant Logic: Application of Foundational Premises to High-tech Firms"Harvard Deusto Business Research vol. 2 (1), 2013,17-34.

Duque, L.C., Duque, J.C. and Suriñach, J. (2013). "Learning Outcomes and Dropout Intentions: An Analytical Model for Spanish Universities"Educational Studies vol. 39 (3), pp. 261-284.

Singh, S. & Duque, L.C.: "Moderating Role of Stress in Evaluating Negative Services: Encounters with the Police", Journal of Service Research vol. 15 (2), 2012, 231-241.  

Duque, L.C. & Lado, N.: "Cross-cultural comparisons of consumer satisfaction ratings: A perspective from Albert Hirschman's Theory"International Marketing Review vol. 27 (6), 2010, 676-693. 

Duque, L.C. & Weeks, J.R.: "Towards a model and methodology for assessing student learning outcomes and satisfaction"Quality Assurance in Education vol. 18 (2), 2010, 84-105.

Duque, L.C. & Schneider, U.: "Market orientation and organizational performance in the nonprofit context: Exploring both concepts and the relationship between them", Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing vol. 19 (2), 2008, 25-47.


Duque L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Índice Español de Innovación: Memoria 23. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto para el Desarrollo de Empresas y Mercados (INDEM), nº 2, 2024. 

Duque, L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Spanish Innovation Index: 23 Report. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM), nº 2, 2024. 

Duque L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Índice Español de Innovación: Memoria 22. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto para el Desarrollo de Empresas y Mercados (INDEM), nº 1, 2023. 

Duque, L.C. & Santamaría, L.: Spanish Innovation Index: 22 Report. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM), nº 1, 2023.