Madrid Work and Organizations Workshop 2017

May 5, 2017
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Madrid Work and Organizations Workshop 2017

The format will consist of brief (~30 minutes) paper presentations followed by an open discussion with the audience. In addition to the local presenters, we have also invited three guest speakers: Ginal Dokko (UC Davis), Tor Eriksson (Aarhus University), and Olenka Kacperczyk (MIT).

Please, let us know if you will be attending the workshop by sending an email to Rocio Bonet  (, and also if you will be attending the whole workshop or only some parts of it so we can plan for food and beverages accordingly. 


INDEM Summer School

INDEM Summer School

We are delighted to welcome Professor D. Gómez Mejía, Doctor Honoris Causa.

We are delighted to welcome Professor D. Gómez Mejía, Doctor Honoris Causa.

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